Pentingnya Latihan Soal dan Bimbingan dari Trainer Terakreditasi untuk Ujian CPDSE ISACA

Ujian CPDSE (Certified Practitioner in Data Science and Engineering) dari ISACA menjadi landasan yang penting bagi para profesional Data Science yang ingin mengukur kemampuan mereka dalam disiplin ilmu ini. Persiapan yang efektif melalui latihan soal dan bimbingan dari trainer terakreditasi memiliki peran krusial dalam meraih keberhasilan dalam ujian CPDSE.

1. Kompleksitas Materi Ujian:

  • Ujian CPDSE mengevaluasi pemahaman dalam berbagai aspek Data Science dan Engineering. Latihan soal membantu kandidat memahami format ujian dan merancang strategi efektif, sementara bimbingan dari trainer terakreditasi mendukung pemahaman konsep-konsep kunci.

2. Memahami Format Ujian:

  • Latihan soal membiasakan kandidat dengan format pertanyaan ujian yang sebenarnya, membantu mereka mengelola waktu dengan efisien. Bimbingan dari trainer memberikan wawasan tentang pendekatan yang tepat dalam menjawab setiap pertanyaan.

3. Evaluasi Pemahaman Mendalam:

  • Latihan soal memberikan kesempatan untuk mengukur tingkat pemahaman materi ujian. Hasil dari latihan ini membantu kandidat dan trainer mengidentifikasi area-area yang perlu ditingkatkan.

4. Persiapan Psikologis:

  • Ujian CPDSE dapat menciptakan tekanan psikologis. Melalui latihan soal, kandidat dapat membangun kepercayaan diri dan mengatasi kecemasan. Bimbingan dari trainer dapat memberikan dukungan moral dan strategi pengelolaan stres.

5. Panduan Persiapan yang Tepat:

  • Latihan soal memberikan petunjuk persiapan yang spesifik, membantu kandidat untuk fokus pada area-area kunci. Bimbingan dari trainer terakreditasi memastikan persiapan sesuai dengan standar ISACA, menjaga kualitas dan integritas sertifikasi.

6. Kepatuhan dengan Standar Etika:

  • Latihan soal dan bimbingan dari trainer terakreditasi memastikan bahwa persiapan kandidat mematuhi standar etika dan kebijakan ujian ISACA. Hal ini memastikan bahwa proses persiapan dilakukan dengan integritas tinggi.

Kesimpulan: Latihan soal dan bimbingan dari trainer terakreditasi dalam persiapan ujian CPDSE tidak hanya meningkatkan peluang sukses kandidat dalam ujian, tetapi juga memastikan bahwa profesional Data Science memiliki pemahaman mendalam tentang konsep-konsep kunci dalam disiplin ilmu ini. Investasi ini bukan hanya untuk meraih sertifikasi, tetapi juga untuk membangun dasar pengetahuan yang kokoh dalam bidang Data Science dan Engineering.

CBAP BABOK Exam Practice 50 Questions & Answer

Hery Purnama, CBAP



 Question 1

You need to identify assumptions as part of the assessment of capability gaps.

Which of the following is an example of an assumption?

A. The project manager believes that her project team members can program in COBOL.

B. All vendors must have security clearance.

C. The software must be compatible with the current operating system.

D. The risk in the project must be quantified.



Answer : A




 Question 2

You are the business analyst for your organization and are to conduct stakeholder analysis.

Which of the following statements best describes the conduct stakeholder analysis task?

A. This task identifies organizations and lines of business that may be affected by a proposed initiative or who share a common business need.

B. This task identifies stakeholders who may be affected by a proposed initiative or who share a common business need.

C. This task identifies the organizations that are likely affected by a problem that a project must solve.

D. This task identifies the people who may be affected by a proposed initiative or who share a common business need.



Answer : B




 Question 3

When can changes to requirements occur in a business analysis planning and monitoring assignment?

A. Change to requirements can occur any time before the project scope statement is created.

B. Changes to requirements can occur at any time.

C. Changes to requirements can occur any time after the project's change control system has been enacted.

D. Change to requirements can occur at any time before the key stakeholders approve the identified requirements.



Answer : B




 Question 4

What does the T in SWOT analysis mean?

A. Trial

B. Threats

C. Test

D. Time



Answer : B




 Question 5

You are the business analyst for the NGQ Company. Management is concerned that their company is not able to meet an identified business need with their current existing structure, people, processes and technology. They've asked you to complete an analysis of their organization's ability to meet the identified business need.

What business analysis process are you completing for your organization?

A. Determining the solution approach

B. Assessing the capability gaps

C. Requirements elicitation

D. Verifying the requirements



Answer : B



 Question 6

You are the business analyst for your organization and are working on prioritizing the project requirements. Management has asked you to prioritize the requirements based on the cost-benefit analysis for the requirements' value to the organization.

What basis for prioritization are you using in this instance?

A. Business value

B. Stakeholder agreement

C. Likelihood of success

D. Urgency



Answer : A




 Question 7

You are the business analyst for your organization and management has asked that you identify opportunities to improve the operations of the business. You notice that some of the stakeholders use several pieces of software and several duplicate activities within each software package to generate data reports for customers.

What type of recommendation can you make in regard to this observation?

A. You can address the automation of how the workers perform.

B. You will need to perform active observation first to understand the processes in more detail.

C. You can address the non-functional requirements of the activities.

D. You will need to perform passive observation first to understand the processes in moredetail.



Answer : A




 Question 8

You are the business analyst for your organization and are beginning the requirements analysis processes.

Which one of the following statements best describes the requirements analysis processes?

A. It ensures that analysis and implementation efforts focus on the most critical requirements.

B. It covers the definition of stakeholder requirements, which describe what a solution must be capable of doing.

C. It defines all of the work, and only the required work, to complete the project objectives.

D. It is conformity to requirements and a fitness for use.



Answer : B




 Question 9

Management has asked you, a business analyst for your organization, to create the solution scope for an identified problem. In order to complete this task, you'll need three elements.

All of the following are elements you'll need in order to write the solution scope except for which one?

A. Work breakdown structure

B. Implementation approach

C. Solution scope definition

D. Dependencies



Answer : A




 Question 10

You are the business analyst for your organization and you are preparing the business case for a proposed solution. You need to include the management horizon in your business case.

What is the management horizon?

A. It is the expected deliverables that will be beneficial for the organization.

B. It is the point in time when the solution will be completed.

C. It is the duration of each phase of the project until the solution earns a profit.

D. It is the point in time for the solution to break even on cost and begin earning a profit.



Answer : D




 Question 11

What two factors must the business analyst consider when conducting stakeholder analysis?

A. Politics and influence

B. Influence and attitude

C. Attitude and position

D. Position and politics



Answer : B




 Question 12

Donna is leading a brainstorming session for her organization. She has asked the participants in this group to come up with at least ten ideas for possible solutions to an identified problem.

What is the problem with setting the goal as ten ideas for possible solutions in this session?

A. The goal should be to come up with as many solutions as possible, not just ten ideas.

B. The goal should be to generate ten ideas within a set time period.

C. The goal should be to come up with the best solution for the problem, not ten ideas.

D. The goal should be to include everyone's input to the solutions.



Answer : A




 Question 13

You are the business analyst for your organization and working with the stakeholders to prioritize the requirements. The stakeholders are concerned about the financial impact of the requirements should some of them fail during the implementation. You would like to rank the risk tolerance of the stakeholders based on their comments about the solution and the requirements.

The following are the three categories of risk tolerance associated with the stakeholders except for which one?

A. Mitigation

B. Risk-aversion

C. Risk-seeking

D. Neutrality



Answer : A




 Question 14

What business analysis process ensures that requirements specifications and models meet the necessary standard of quality to allow them to be used effectively to guide further work?

A. Identify constraints and assumptions

B. Validate requirements

C. Verify requirements

D. Specify and model requirements



Answer : C




 Question 15

Paul has been asked to complete SWOT analysis for his solution scope. What does SWOT analysis mean?

A. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Time

B. Stakeholder Weaknesses, Organizational Threats

C. Stakeholders Weaknesses, Organization, Threats

D. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats



Answer : D




 Question 16

What part of defining the business needs process will evaluate the ends that the organization is seeking to achieve?

A. Business goals and objectives

B. Alternative identification

C. Solution assessment

D. Requirements



Answer : A




 Question 17

What type of a business analysis approach focuses on the rapid delivery of business value in short iterations?

A. Risk-driven

B. Change-driven

C. Risk-laden

D. Profit-driven



Answer : B




 Question 18

Wanda is the business analyst for her organization and she is currently working on the specify and model requirements process. One of the elements of this process is the documentation of the textual requirements.

Wanda must describe the capabilities of the solution, any conditions that must exist for the requirements to operate, and what third component of the textual requirement?

A. Any constraints that may prevent the solution from fulfilling the requirement

B. Write in the active voice

C. Describe a situation or problem

D. Express only one requirement at a time



Answer : A




 Question 19

The business analysis approach generally defines all of the following attributes except for which one?

A. Requirements for solutions acceptance

B. Deliverables

C. Team roles

D. Analysis technique



Answer : A




 Question 20

Gary is the business analyst for his organization and he is preparing a presentation about the requirements for a large software development project.

Before Gary makes the presentation what should he do as part of his preparation for the presentation?

A. Determine an appropriate format for the presentation.

B. Confirm that he has the authority to host the presentation.

C. Confirm that the stakeholders have signed off on the requirements.

D. Hire a scribe to keep the minutes of the meeting.



Answer : A





 Question 21

You are the business analyst for your organization and are creating the solution scope definition.

Which of the following should be included in the solution scope definition?

A. Business case

B. Technical dependencies

C. Elicitation techniques

D. Organization readiness assessment



Answer : B




 Question 22

What business analysis element tries to identify as many potential options as possible to meet the business objectives and fill identified gaps in capabilities?

A. Ranking of approaches

B. Decision analysis

C. Documentation of assumptions and constraints

D. Alternative generation



Answer : D





 Question 23

Paul is the business analyst for his organization. He is examining a single solution to determine if the solution he and his team have identified carries enough business value to justify its implementation.

What business analysis process is Paul performing in this scenario?

A. Define transition requirements

B. Assess proposed solution

C. Assess organizational readiness

D. Allocate requirements



Answer : B




 Question 24

You are the business analyst for your organization. Gary and Janet, two key stakeholders in the project, are in disagreement over a requirement for the type of software to be installed on the server your solution calls for.

What must happen in this instance before formal approval can be offered?

A. The conflict will need to be resolved through research, resolution, or through a third-party mediation.

B. Gary and Janet will need to determine who has seniority in the company to determine which requirement takes precedence.

C. The conflict will need to be removed from the solution scope until Gary and Janet come to a solution.

D. The business analyst will need to make a decision on which requirement is most appropriate.



Answer : A




 Question 25

One of the processes within requirements analysis is to prioritize requirements.

As a business analyst why would you ever want to prioritize requirements?

A. You may need to determine the cost of each requirement.

B. You may need to determine the schedule for each requirement.

C. You may need to determine which requirements are most critical so the analysis and implementation efforts focus on the most critical requirements.

D. You may need to determine which requirements are most critical so additional risk analysis can be completed on those requirements.



Answer : C




 Question 26

You are the business analyst for your organization and are working with Jennifer to conduct stakeholder analysis. You would like to create a RACI chart to help with the roles of the people involved in the stakeholder analysis process. Jennifer is not familiar with this chart and asks what does RACI mean.

Which one of the following best describes the RACI chart in the conduct stakeholder analysis process?

A. It's a matrix that uses the Responsible, Accountable, Consult, and Inform tasks as part of the stakeholder analysis process.

B. It's a role and responsibility chart that identifies when stakeholders are needed in the business analyst duties.

C. It's a matrix that uses Role, Action, Consult, and Inform as part of the conduct stakeholder analysis process.

D. It's a rule that the business analyst can use to identify all of the needed stakeholders: roles, actions, communications, and interest.



Answer : A




 Question 27

You are the business analyst for your organization. Management wants you to prioritize the identified requirements by the requirements that have the highest likelihood of success.

Why would management want you to prioritize the requirements with this factor even though some of the requirements may be difficult to implement?

A. They want a fast return on investment.

B. They want to show early success in the implementation to the project stakeholders.

C. They don't understand the requirements.

D. They want to avoid penalties or fines due to a pending law.



Answer : B




 Question 28

You are creating the solution scope for an identified problem in your organization. You are working with several stakeholders during this process including the domain subject matter expert, the implementation subject matter expert, the project manager, and the sponsor.

Which of these stakeholders will be responsible for writing the project scope?

A. Domain subject matter expert

B. Business analyst

C. Project manager

D. Sponsor



Answer : C




 Question 29

You have identified a task in your task list that cannot be completed until the inspector for the project signs off on the initial deliverables.

The inspector's signoff on the initial deliverables is called what?

A. Assumption

B. Dependency

C. Milestone

D. Constraint



Answer : B




 Question 30

Sally is the business analyst for her organization. Sally and her business analysis team is currently using a business analysis approach to determine what the competition of her organization is offering prospective clients. She is trying to identify solutions to increase revenue by remaining competitive with the competition.

What business analysis approach is Sally and her business analysis team using?

A. Business rules analysis

B. Functional decomposition

C. Focus groups

D. Benchmarking



Answer : D





 Question 31

You need to identify assumptions as part of the assessment of capability gaps.

Which of the following is an example of an assumption?

A. The project manager believes that her project team members can program in COBOL.

B. All vendors must have security clearance.

C. The software must be compatible with the current operating system.

D. The risk in the project must be quantified.



Answer : A




 Question 32

You are the business analyst for your organization and are to conduct stakeholder analysis.

Which of the following statements best describes the conduct stakeholder analysis task?

A. This task identifies organizations and lines of business that may be affected by a proposed initiative or who share a common business need.

B. This task identifies stakeholders who may be affected by a proposed initiative or who share a common business need.

C. This task identifies the organizations that are likely affected by a problem that a project must solve.

D. This task identifies the people who may be affected by a proposed initiative or who share a common business need.



Answer : B




 Question 33

When can changes to requirements occur in a business analysis planning and monitoring assignment?

A. Change to requirements can occur any time before the project scope statement is created.

B. Changes to requirements can occur at any time.

C. Changes to requirements can occur any time after the project's change control system has been enacted.

D. Change to requirements can occur at any time before the key stakeholders approve the identified requirements.



Answer : B




 Question 34

What does the T in SWOT analysis mean?

A. Trial

B. Threats

C. Test

D. Time



Answer : B




 Question 35

You are the business analyst for the NGQ Company. Management is concerned that their company is not able to meet an identified business need with their current existing structure, people, processes and technology. They've asked you to complete an analysis of their organization's ability to meet the identified business need.

What business analysis process are you completing for your organization?

A. Determining the solution approach

B. Assessing the capability gaps

C. Requirements elicitation

D. Verifying the requirements



Answer : B




 Question 36

You are the business analyst for your organization and are working on prioritizing the project requirements. Management has asked you to prioritize the requirements based on the cost-benefit analysis for the requirements' value to the organization.

What basis for prioritization are you using in this instance?

A. Business value

B. Stakeholder agreement

C. Likelihood of success

D. Urgency



Answer : A




 Question 37

You are the business analyst for your organization and management has asked that you identify opportunities to improve the operations of the business. You notice that some of the stakeholders use several pieces of software and several duplicate activities within each software package to generate data reports for customers.

What type of recommendation can you make in regard to this observation?

A. You can address the automation of how the workers perform.

B. You will need to perform active observation first to understand the processes in more detail.

C. You can address the non-functional requirements of the activities.

D. You will need to perform passive observation first to understand the processes in moredetail.



Answer : A




 Question 38

You are the business analyst for your organization and are beginning the requirements analysis processes.

Which one of the following statements best describes the requirements analysis processes?

A. It ensures that analysis and implementation efforts focus on the most critical requirements.

B. It covers the definition of stakeholder requirements, which describe what a solution must be capable of doing.

C. It defines all of the work, and only the required work, to complete the project objectives.

D. It is conformity to requirements and a fitness for use.



Answer : B




 Question 39

Management has asked you, a business analyst for your organization, to create the solution scope for an identified problem. In order to complete this task, you'll need three elements.

All of the following are elements you'll need in order to write the solution scope except for which one?

A. Work breakdown structure

B. Implementation approach

C. Solution scope definition

D. Dependencies



Answer : A




 Question 40

You are the business analyst for your organization and you are preparing the business case for a proposed solution. You need to include the management horizon in your business case.

What is the management horizon?

A. It is the expected deliverables that will be beneficial for the organization.

B. It is the point in time when the solution will be completed.

C. It is the duration of each phase of the project until the solution earns a profit.

D. It is the point in time for the solution to break even on cost and begin earning a profit.



Answer : D




 Question 41

What two factors must the business analyst consider when conducting stakeholder analysis?

A. Politics and influence

B. Influence and attitude

C. Attitude and position

D. Position and politics



Answer : B




 Question 42

Donna is leading a brainstorming session for her organization. She has asked the participants in this group to come up with at least ten ideas for possible solutions to an identified problem.

What is the problem with setting the goal as ten ideas for possible solutions in this session?

A. The goal should be to come up with as many solutions as possible, not just ten ideas.

B. The goal should be to generate ten ideas within a set time period.

C. The goal should be to come up with the best solution for the problem, not ten ideas.

D. The goal should be to include everyone's input to the solutions.



Answer : A




 Question 43

You are the business analyst for your organization and working with the stakeholders to prioritize the requirements. The stakeholders are concerned about the financial impact of the requirements should some of them fail during the implementation. You would like to rank the risk tolerance of the stakeholders based on their comments about the solution and the requirements.

The following are the three categories of risk tolerance associated with the stakeholders except for which one?

A. Mitigation

B. Risk-aversion

C. Risk-seeking

D. Neutrality



Answer : A




 Question 44

What business analysis process ensures that requirements specifications and models meet the necessary standard of quality to allow them to be used effectively to guide further work?

A. Identify constraints and assumptions

B. Validate requirements

C. Verify requirements

D. Specify and model requirements



Answer : C




 Question 45

Paul has been asked to complete SWOT analysis for his solution scope. What does SWOT analysis mean?

A. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Time

B. Stakeholder Weaknesses, Organizational Threats

C. Stakeholders Weaknesses, Organization, Threats

D. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats



Answer : D




 Question 46

Which one of the following is an example of a non-negotiable demand by a stakeholder during the requirements prioritization session?

A. All requirements are ranked as high

B. Communication

C. All requirements are prioritized by cost-benefits ratio

D. Cost



Answer : A




 Question 47

You are the business analyst for your organization and are working with Virginia on the allocation of requirements for a new solution. You have assigned Virginia the task of breaking down the solution scope into smaller components for allocation.

What technique have you asked Virginia to complete in this scenario?

A. Decision analysis

B. Business rules analysis

C. Process modeling

D. Functional decomposition



Answer : D




 Question 48

You are the business analyst for a large project in your organization. While your company prefers face-to-face communications there are many stakeholders located in different geographical locations.

How can you still effectively serve as a business analyst when the stakeholders are not collocated?

A. You will need to travel on a regular rotation to each of the geographical locations to complete the business analyst duties.

B. You will need to implement videoconferences.

C. Add more business analysts in each of the geographical location.

D. You will need the stakeholders to periodically gather in one locale.



Answer : B




 Question 49

Which one of the following business analysis planning and monitoring techniques can be used to define and document the business analysis approach?

A. Process modeling

B. Structured walkthrough

C. Decision analysis

D. Control charts



Answer : A




 Question 50

Henry is the business analyst for his organization. Management has created a pre-determined budget of $450,000 for his solution. Henry has identified the project requirements but now wants to prioritize them based on timeboxing and budgeting. Henry examines the cost of the requirements and begins removing the requirements from the allowed list in order to meet the $450,000 budget.

What timeboxing or budgeting approach is Henry using?

A. Parametric

B. All in

C. Selective

D. All out



Answer : B

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